Whose ready for Saturday brunch? Me! Always me! It's my favourite meal of the week and I'll admit I do it pretty well (or at least Philip cooks and I eat it well).
This brunch, as illustrated in the picture above contains at least 2 of your 5 fruit fruits and veggies and is packed with protein. Okay, I don't know if any of that is true but its delicious and you will look good eating it - so flourish with your brunch self.
Time: 20 minutes
Serves: 2
Difficulty: Easy Peasy
2 croissants
4 slices of prosciutto
1 peach
Whole almonds
1 tablespoon of lime juice
3 cardamom pods
2 cups of water
Remove the pip from the peach
Place the 2 cups of water in the sauce pan and bring to a simmer. Crack the cardamom pods and add to the water together with the lime juice and the peach.
Gently poach for ten minutes until the peaches are tender when pierced with a knife. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let the peaches cool in the liquid.
While the peaches are cooling, half your croissants and toast on a pan (be fancy and use a griddle pan if you have one).
Once golden brown remove from the pan and place on a plate.
Slice the peach; roughly chop and toast the almonds.
Layer the prosciutto, the sliced peach and the toasted almonds on top of the croissant and serve with fresh raspberries.
Happy Cooking